It’s interesting how an idea or bit of information can lead to research on an idea, whose research leads to another idea, which leads to another . . . Well, you get the idea. You’ll find the research and the work in progress in the blog portion of this site. The static design pages are listed in the menu under Pages.
I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time researching building methods. If you want to read the whole first part of the saga, visit my original house plan site. I’ve had to back away from that plan because of health issues. I cannot afford to have someone else do all the work, and with my original awesome house plan I could not do the work that would have been left up to me, so I’ve had to retrench and rethink. I have put a lot of hours, thought and research into this new plan, and I’m very pleased. I feel it’s not only something I can build myself, it’s something I can afford to build myself and something in which I look forward to living. That, in itself, adds its own charm.
So share my journey with me. Read through the pages listed in the sidebar in the order they’re presented and then read the blog starting with December 2006 and you’ll have a good idea where I’m at and how I got to this point.
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