The “green” generation

Rocket mass heater workshop

Rocket mass heater workshop

I attended a rocket mass heater workshop last weekend.  It was fun and educational.  Seeing all the young people who want to live “green” was amusing!  Imagine them wanting to do the things I did growing up . . . living with wood heat, slaughtering their own meat, raising their own vegetables . . . really cute in a retro kind of way.  We did it growing up because we had to to survive.  These people are making it a life-style choice.  More power to ’em.  I like raising my own veges, I like heating with wood.  I am drawing the line at going back to slaughtering my own food.  In my early years I had enough of that to last me a lifetime.  It’s enough to know I have the knowledge.  I can milk a cow, skin a deer, cut up pig, chicken, turkey and beef.  I have wrapped enough meat for the freezer.  At this point in my life, as long as I can comfortably afford to purchase my meat in tidy plastic wrapped packages at the local grocers, I’ll stick with that method of supplying my protein.

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