One of the processes I’ve been researching is slipforming papercrete. All the slipforms I’ve seen to date have been non-porous construction. Why is noone making porous forms for something with such a high superfluous water content? I’m sure it’s the cement forming mentality, by why hasn’t anyone stepped beyond this mindset?
I am picturing slipforms that will fit over the existing wall, clamping onto the foundation or previously formed wall for stability.
Maybe someone can/will comment.
The slipform could be constructed out of perforated metal sheeting or heavy screen tackwelded onto a frame of tubular steel. Each form would require two sides. This is looking at the frame from the side.
Welded U’s of tubular steel would act as the brackets that would hold the two screened forms together. Welded pins would fit into holes in the brackets locking the top of the form into shape. Below is a cross section of the cross bracket installed onto the form walls showing the pin location. A handle mounted at the top would assist in setting and removing the brackets.
If the forms were small enough they could be made out of sealed pegboard and 2x2s with sun shade cloth stapled onto the inside of the form walls. Making the forms out of metal would allow the forms to be larger, but larger is heavier, and heavier is not always better. A combination may be the answer, sun shade cloth covered peg board and 2x2s with metal cross brackets. For smaller wooden forms cross cuts of heavy u-channel metal might be sufficient to hold the forms in place against the weight of the papercrete.
It sounds like it’s time to do some experimenting. Let the games begin.
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