I took my concept for the bottom workings of the sawdust stove to our local sheet metal shop and they did a brilliant job of turning my concept into solid objects. All this perfection (not the vent adapter which I got at Goodwill for $5) cost $89. That’s a heck of a deal, in my mind. I just don’t have the tools to easily cut and bend metal.
Yesterday I cut the hole for the sleeve/drawer in the 55 gallon drum. The hole looks great. It’s a tiny bit smaller than the final, but I’ll leave it as is until I talk to Lorr. I’m dealing with a barrel that has a fairly good arch in the bottom, so want to have flexibility for which way I jump when putting this all together.
The hole in the sleeve (piece standing on end) has had its edges bent upward to facilitate centering and supporting the burn chamber.
All these bits (not the vent adapter) are to be tack welded Saturday at Lorr’s. I’ll try and get good pics of the assembly process.
I haven’t cut the exhaust hole yet. I don’t want to do that until I talk to Lorr. He may not be okay with using the vent adapter. Cutting the hole to match the vent adapter reduces my ability to step back and punt.