I think we’re getting closer to spring. I’ve got daffs up and my elephant garlic is poking through the dirt. I’ve got quite a bit of pre-spring gardening to get done as weather permits.
Dan (brother) is still working on a foam grinder for me. He’s not working so it might catch his attention a little more often and I might actually have something to play with by late spring. As soon as I can grind some foam I’ll get the eps-crete infill installed in the north wall of the sun porch. Once that’s done I can pour the last bit of footer and get the east wall glass put in. Once that’s done I can get my fish tank moved in and my aquaponic grow wall (lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, et al grown in hydroton) put in place and start growing for our table. Right now the fish tank is outside half sunk into the ground. I can’t grow anything attached to it until the weather warms fairly dramatically unless I install a heater in the tank. I can’t do that until I get the new electric service in (coming up soon!). Getting the tank into the enclosed sun porch will greatly lengthen the growing season without increasing the electric bill.
It’s been so warm I haven’t been able to talk Wadly into installing the sawdust stove. I keep hearing “next winter” when I mention it. I know better than to push. He pays the electric bill and collects the sawdust we’ll burn once the burner’s installed, so it’s best for me to just go with the flow. When he’s ready, we’ll get it installed. I’ll start pushing him mid to late summer so it’s done when the cold weather hits.